Courtesy of Ministry of Seniors & Accessibility, province of Ontario
We are sure that you will agree that the Seniors Meal Program has been of great benefit to the Zoroastrian Community.
Part of obtaining the grant, is that OZCF embarks on a Nutrition session and we would like to encourage as many folks to join in while having fun playing Online Bingo as well as having an opportunity to win 2 meals.
You need to Register by February 24, 2022 to take part, by clicking HERE
The OZCF Seniors Sub Committee
Invites You & Family to participate in the
'Seniors Meal Virtual Bingo & Nutrition"
Let's have fun
Learn about the Goodness in our Food
Anisha Gupta, Registered Dietician & Personal Nutrition Coach
We will play Bingo and learn all about the Nutritional value of the food we eat
February 27,2022 @11.30am
You need to Register by February 24, 2022 to take part, by clicking HERE
You will receive the online meeting link and bingo card by February 26, by email, once you have registered
Click HERE for the flyer