Dasturji Kookadaroo Baj
(September 3, 2024)
OZCF will be holding Dasturji Kookadaroo Baj prayers on Tuesday, September 3rd, at the ZRCC, 1187 Burnhamthorpe Rd. East, Oakville.
The prayer ceremony will commence at 7:00 pm, followed by dinner. The cost of attending the Jashan & dinner is $15/- per person; children up to the age of 5 years are free. Members wishing to attend in-person must give their names to Er. Nozer Kotwal at (905) 820-0461 or at nskotwal1@gmail.com in advance, but not later than Saturday, August 31st. Please also volunteer to clean up after the event.
If you wish to offer your home-made Malido, Ravo, Sev and/or dry-fruits, flowers, fruits, Sukhad, Loban, we ask that you make arrangements with Er. Kotwal.
If you and/or your friends wish to sponsor a Gahambar & lunch or any other religious event in the future, please provide your interest to Er. Kotwal.