4Th Annual Sports Day
Sign up early to take part in the exciting sports day held at the beautiful grounds of the OZCF.
Registration deadline: September 4th, 2013
Date: Saturday,September 7, 2013
Start time: 2pm
Please register by sending me the following details:
First and Last name
Adult or child (child = under 15)
Age of child
Gender of child (Female or male)
Cost is $5 per person (members)
Cost is $7 per person (non-members)
Please encourage attendance and make this a family event like last year. Pass the word around...
Food will be available to purchase at the event.
Events include the following:
- Running races of various distances
- Long Jump *NEW This year*
- Relay races
- Three legged race
- Egg and spoon race
- Tug of war
- Mini soccer games
Contact Rumi Jasavala on:
Phone: 905 257 7864
email: rumijas@hotmail.com